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Written, Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2004 at around: 4:51 PM

continuing the entry frenzy...

I've been so fucking productive this week that I could be like, mother theressa and shit.

Well, except for the cussing and fucking, maybe.

It isn't like I've been doing all good deeds and stuff, I've just been doing my job. I guess I kind of like it again. It's always a rollercoaster with me.

Perhaps I have it figured out. I like actually doing my job, and the people I work with. I however don't much care for the office where I work, or that I -have- to do a lot of shit. I like doing things at my own pace, which is why this level of position is good for me. I don't have to answer to soemone every fucking day, and the people I do answer to are cool, and mostly just don't give a shit, unless there's a problem.

I also get to plan out my own days, and schedule my work as I see fit, which is very important to me, as I don't like being told what to do very much. I'm basically given guidlines, and stick to them. That's fantastic.

There are no quotas, just a bunch of shit that needs to get done. I do it, and I do it well. Then once it's all said and done, I get praise. That makes me happy.

The paycheck makes me sad. I remember when I came home with 1/4th more paycheck than I do now every two weeks. Those days are long gone. My take-home pay barely evens out to 400 dollars a week. The fact that these fucking lights are headache inducing, it's always cold, and the lunchroom looks like a page out of a story about the hardships in soviet russia, only sans the scrawny, pale children holding half-empty bowls of cold 3-day-old potato soup... all that makes me sad.

But I have a job.

I'm thankful, and I'm sure I'll start hating my job again come the end of march... or at least when my period starts in a couple of weeks... lol.

love and adoration,


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