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Written, Friday, Mar. 05, 2004 at around: 12:38 PM

Ass Licking

You know, now that I think of it, I had the opportunity to do that last night. I should have!

I am such a pervert.

No, really, I am.

That, and sex is fun. If you don't like sex, maybe you should try it differently, because sex is fun, and comforting. And relaxing. And a good cure for PMS!!

Anyway, I'm really busy at work today, but that never really seems to stop me from writing about the unimportant bullshit that's on my mind.

Today that unimportant bullshit surrounds my father. Yes, it's a fact: My mom has told me for years and years that my dad is Michael Jackson. I'm not making that up.

I truly wish I was.

It's kind of a difficult situation to "know" who your father is, but still not really believe it. I mean, would you believe some crazy woman who gave birth to you who has violent tendancies, says crazy things, and is just a plain nutty when she says, "Yes [insert your name here], your father is michael jackson."

No, you wouldn't, and if you would without question, I'll have some religous person pray for you.

I'm tired of being in the dark here, and I'm going to have to give up my anonmity as just another speck on the globe, and address the press.

That's going to suck ass, because I'm pretty candid with my language, especially on the internet. If I had any good sense, I'd delete this journal the week before going forward to the press with a statment saying, "Yeah, wacko Jacko is my dad, and I want a paternety test, and some money when it comes out positive."

It's really not the world's buisness what I think all the time, but that's amusing, because I write about my inner thoughts on the world wide web all the time. I'm a walking talking contridiction, children, don't forget that.

So yeah, I have to do soemthing about this me not knowing who my dad is shit. I really get pissed off about it, and frustrated, and once in a blue moon I'll cry about it, and I don't like to cry about shit that I could do something about. Action must be taken, and If that means dealing with the media, than so be it.

I just want to know some facts, and maybe get to know a bunch of really nice family members.

Well, I've got to work on a plan of action for this whole "Finding my dad," thing. I also have to call Leighann, because we said that when she graduated we'd go to california and knock on his door and ask. I don't know if she'd still do it, but I'll call her anyway, since it was her idea, lol.

Okay, I have to get back to work. Don't lick any stranger's asses.

Love and adoration,


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