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Written, Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2004 at around: 11:43 AM

So, I'm still alive.... in this crazy city

I'm just a misreable cuss.

My mom is in the hospital. My boyfriend's dog died. My job sucks ass, and oh, did I mention that my cat is MIA?


Well I just did, so apperently you weren't paying attention.

So I've been a miserable little shit lately, but I think I'm doing a good job of keeping it behind the cut of the average eye. Nobody wants to deal with me being a miserable shit all the fucking time, trust me. I'm doing you all a favor.

But anyway, I have plans to cut down on said miserableness as well, but I'm sure none of it will materialize into anything that un-miserableilzes me until after vegas(54 Days!).

I'm losing weight... and I suppose that happens when you work out on a regular basis. I've been eating a little healthier, and although I'm exausted a lot more often, I feel great, phyisically. Between working out as much as I have time for, and eating like a normal human being, I can feel the flab sayin', "Later dude."

That rules.

Anyway, that's all I have to say right about now.

Maybe more later.

Love and adoraiton,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?