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Written, Thursday, Mar. 11, 2004 at around: 3:11 PM

More Jesus movie thoughts

I read Dooki's entry about how she and her Chris went to go see the Jesus Movie. It made me laugh, and I'll mention it later in this entry.

That's what inspired me to go back to my thoughts about when Frank and I went to go see the Jesus movie.

There's this scene where Jesus is all beat up and shit, and on his cross, all losing his faith, and saying, "Lord, why have you forsaken me?!?!" He's like all pissed and stuff, right?

Well, I'm sitting there next to Frank, who was just taking all this in, and I'm thinking to myself. In my mind, I hear a Dukes of Hazzard like voice-over, and there's a southern accent and everything. They pause the video right where Jesus is yelling up at the sky at his lord and stuff, and the voice-over dude goes, "Well, Jesus? He died up there, right on that cross. And if those double crossin' jews at the bottom of the hill think they've heard the last of 'ol Jesus there, they've got another thing comin'!"

It took all I had not to laugh out loud at my little segment in the jesus movie, and be forced to suffer insults from "Good christian people," shouting that I shouldn't laugh at the lord.


I prommised dooki quoatage.

So Dooki and her man are watching this Jesus movie, right?

There's this part where jesus is all gettin' his ass beat. Some roman goes over to Jesus and spits in his wounds. and this black lady there in the theater yelped out, "AW, NOW HOW THEY GONNA DO JESUS LIKE THAT?"

That's some funny shit.

Love and adoraiton,


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