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Written, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2004 at around: 11:32 AM

gum flaps in the back of my mouth

So I am now wisdom tooth-free.

Is that like calorie free? All the pam, none of the Wisdom.

Well, that isn't much of a change. I've never claimed to be very wise.

So no, I'm not at work-- I'm at the free library. One of my favorite places. I've been out all morning, because I didn't want to be at home while my landlord showed my apartment to the person he's selling the building to. I orignally left with intenitons of getting my drivers licensce renewed, but at 7:45 when I got to center city... nothing was open. I walked around a bit, but nothing interesting happened.

I tried reading my book (a game of thrones... kick ass book) but everytime I got into it, some loud motherfuckers would be near me. God, I hate ignorant people... and I hate people who talk on their cellular phones on the fucking bus and train. I wish they'd just shut the fuck up.

Anyway, here at the library, I can use the internet, read my book (IN PEACE) and relax a little.

There'd been little reason for me to leave my apartment for the last few days (The last time I left my apartment on my own was thursday, to go to work) so in my apartment I stayed. I did a lot of nothing, presumabally healing, but mostly nothing. So today, it was pretty important for me to get the hell out of the house, because I tend to get a little stir crazy. I don't like being in the house for too many days at a time, it starts to drive me nuts.

Well, there's a Starbucks Hot Chocolate around the corner with my name on it, and I intend to sop it all up. Who knows what else I'll do? Not me? Here's hoping today keeps being as fun as it's been.

love and adoraiton,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?