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Written, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004 at around: 11:11 AM

survey time

What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with? Um, slept with, or had sex with? I've shared a bed with a lot of people, but as far as fucking, the middle name was uh... Eric.

What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color? Um, I'm wearing a black and white thong, with flocked black hearts on them. I'm sure at some point in my life black hearts had a signifigance to me (when I was going through my teenage punk rock/goth phase [yes black kids do that shit too sometimes]) so they feel like home.

What is the song you want played at your funeral? Just a Girl, by No Doubt.... I guess. That's kind of creepy-- who plays music at a funeral? Like, I mean, people sing at church and shit, but to play a CD? That's disturbing.

What would your last meal be before getting executed? I would want to get very, very drunk, so that when I was being exicuted I'd have no problem talking shit, telling the truth about everything I was being executed, and telling the whole world why it can kiss my ass. Oh, and after I get drunk I'd want to eat a nice meal consisting of mashed potatoes, corn, and chicken fried steak.

Beatles or Stones? A year ago I would have said the stones, but I've found a new respect for the beatles. I see a beatles cd purchace in my near future.

If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be? Dick Clark. He's had it coming since my mom was a kid.

The person whose problems you would never want to hear again? Oh god.... too many to choose from, but honestly, I live off of other people's problems, and the joy I get from hearing about them. I guess I'd have to go for any girl who's a size 5 or smaller who claims she's fat-- or that her size 36 c tits are too small. Fuck you, bitches.

What is the thing most important to you (as far as physical) about the preferred sex? eyes. You can tell a lot about a person by looking in their eyes. And the way their eyes look when they smile/laugh. Laughter says a lot. Oh, and asses. I've learned over the years that I am, indeed, an ass woman. My boyfriend has a very nice ass. Meaty, lol.

If you could have any super power what would it be? I would like to be like Jean Grey, minus the whole pheonix thing.

Favorite hangover cure? Eating after getting fucked up, gatorade, sleep.

How many drinks does it take to get you drunk? Oh boy-- it depends on what I did beforehand. If I haven't eaten, two martinis fucks me up good. I can have a bazillion smirnioff ices, and other sissy drinks if I've eaten. Hell, if I had a good meal prior to drinking, I can put the stuff away. I had about 15 drinks on halloween, and I wasn't too blasted. okay, that's a lie, I was FUCKED UP.

Favorite Outkast lyric? Shake it like a polorid picture -tied with- I don't want to meet your momma/I just want to make you comea!

Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have? Blonde

If you had to be blind or deaf? Deaf, I guess. So long as I can still kinda talk.

Do you have any psychiatric problems? Um, yeah. Have you not met me? None of them are particuarly serious, nor have I been diagnosed with anything, but i'm a little eccentric--- and if you're reading this, I guaruntee there's something wrong with you too.

Least favorite month? August. Nothing fun happens in august. No birthdays of people I'm close to, no holidays, and lots of remembering death. That and it's FUCKING HOT.

First movie you can remember seeing as a kid? Snow White, I think

Favorite person in the whole world? That's a pretty easy question to answer I'd go with Frank, because even though we see each other all the time, I never tire of him. He's fun to hang out with, and the sex is fun too, lol.

When's the last time you went on a date? Last night, To the movies.... although I really don't know how to define a "Date." Like, what defines a date? Planning to go somewhere with just your siginfigant other? I've never understood, and I doubt I've dated a guy who understood.

Do you like violent movies or dirty movies? Can't it be both? I like some killing, and I love porn.

Fall or spring? Fall, because it's prettier, and most of my friend's birthdays are in the fall.

Person you most wish you hadn't made out with? Michael Bailey. He gave me strep throat, and called me frigid. Enough said.

If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with? Gwen Stefani... I might be able to work a threeway with Gavin. Plus, her lips with or without the obcenely red lipstick are fucking sexy. Mmmm.

Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle? Um... somewhere quiet. I might want to live in like Iowa or something to be away from people. I'm sure by the time I'm old i'll hate people so much that I'll want to be away from most of them, excluding my family, if theyre still around.

Who is the person you can count on most? Tie: Mom/frank

If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age are not factors? I wouldn't want to date any celebrities like, for real, because it'd be annoying, and I'd be a whore. Why? I'd date guys like Justin Timberlake, Elijah Wood, Ashton Kutcher... the ones who get girlfriends, and 15 year olds commit suicide. I so don't want to be respoinsible for that.

What books have you pretended you've read? Harry potter. The lord of the rings (Which I can't get away with now that the trillogy is over)

What's a word you would use to describe your life? everchanging

What did you dream last night? I had a dream that I was gollum at the end of the lord of the rings, and instead of falling backwards into the pit of flame, I went in face first. I think I lost grip of the ring. I also had a dream that I was hanging out with this chick, Amy who I know through the temple anime club.

Favorite bands? Nine inch nails and No doubt are my standard answers, because they are the only bands who consistantaly make music that I love. I used to be really into Garbage, but then Shirley Manson just fell off the face of the planet after that James Bond movie. I used to be really passionate about my music (I had a make-shift band that wrote really angsty songs... we had no instruments, but we had "harmony" and fevor in our souls! The band never had a name, and it was actually just me and my best friend at the time, heather), and knew minute details about every band that I paid money to own the cds of. I also used to own about 75 cd's, but they've all been stolen. I lost my passion for music after the britney/chrisitna/n*sync era came along, and I just figured, if these bitches can make music that sucks, so can I. the beatles are moving in there.... most of what else I listen to consists of solo acts.

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