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Written, Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at around: 5:00 PM

Cutting through the bullshit, one motherfucker at a time

Man, I can't even get into how many people on this earth I can't stand.

There are a lot.

Many were once my friends, and now John is among them.

He really hurt my feelings on a number of occasions, and I'm a sensitive little air sign, who has a heart made of play-doh. It's sad, really.

I hate it when people give me this feeling. It feels like if you take two negitive sides of magnets and try to stick them together. That feeling makes me sick, and when I start feeling that way about someone, I know I can't be around them anymore.

Glenn was the first person who truly gave me that "Stay away from me" magnet vibe.

I guess I end up feeling like that because I give people who hurt me too many second chances. I feel bad, and expect that inside of everyone's heart there is the true, pure intention to do good.

I just keep getting proved wrong!


Well, anyway, I'm cutting through the bullshit one motherfucker at a time. Eventually I'll figure out what's wrong with this picture.



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