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Written, Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at around: 3:27 PM

Get the fuck outta here (oh yeah, layout change)

Yeah, so hi.

I'm so not into being at work today. Like seriously.

Changed the layout. Kill Bill volume 1, on dvd in april! Fucking a, that makes my day.

So, this sneaky Avon lady found some way to get avon catalogs to me at work. Sneaky! How did this sneaky bitch pull it off? She offered me something free, and gave me catalogs to look at. Damnit.

I came up with the bright idea of selling Avon back in november or december. I've obviously done nothing with said idea since then, because I haven't found anything to say about them in the past few months. So my catalogs are circulating throughout my office, which isn't bad, because I could use a little extra income.

Hell, I could use a lotta extra income.

I'm so broke, it ain't funny.

I think this week was my reality check. I didn't really save any extra money with my check, but feeling as broke as I am kind of put things into perspective, and is giving me a sense of what the next eight to 12 months of my life are going to be like while I prepare to move out of my shitty south philly apartment into a nice suburban apartment, and buy a car.

I expect that I'll be driving home to a suburban neighborhood by April of next year. The apartment I can probabally get before the year is over. The car will take longer, because my credit will have to be in much better shape for me to afford car insurance. Also, I'm going to wait until after I'm 24 to buy a new(er) car.

If I haven't driven it, it's new to me!

I'd really like to get a red sportscar.

Can you imagine me behind the wheel of a red car that can easily break 120? Yeah, I can too, and I can't seem to get the sirens out of my head.

Realistically, I doubt I'd be breaking the speed limit all the time. Most of you have never even seen me drive, let alone been in a car while I was driving it. You don't know.

I unleash the fury on the gas pedal.

I like driving, and I really enjoy going long distances. I also enjoy traveling in general. Having a car will do my soul some good.

In other news, Las Vegas! Almost 100 days away! I need a fucking vacation, and I won't even go into how badly frank needs to take a vacation. Jesus. Gotta get away!

I know, 100% that going on this vacation will really do us both some serious good. I'm going to swim! Woohoo! And I'll probabally get another massage. Frank'll gamble and eat seafood and smile. When he smiles it really makes me happy.

Okay, enough being mushy.

I have to go back to work.



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