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Written, Thursday, Mar. 04, 2004 at around: 9:21 AM

This fucking job... it tests me

Shit fuck bullshit-ass motherfuckers!

Okay, now that we've established this, let me toss a couple other pre-established facts out there:

Pre Established fact #1:

I hate not knowing what's going on. I'm basically what I would call a content manager (or librarian) for everything that goes online with my product, PMDM. I see to it that we get the materials, correct any flaws in data displayed online, and manage a small group of database editors (read: Data entry jockeys).

Anyway, I have a lot of contact with our clients, and have to explain a lot of rudementary techological concepts to them... like online display of images... creating PDF's... sending email attachments... reading. The list goes on. But since I'm the first point of non-sales contact for these people in regards to their *free* advertising on our website, I should be clued into everything that goes on.

I'm not saying that I need to (or desire to) be involved in all the decision making processes. That's really not my call, nor do I want it to be. I just do the work, and every now and again if a change directly relates to what I do on a daily basis, I should be the first person quesitoned. As far as marketing and shit, I should just get an email update, especially if it means more work for me.

I don't.

I learned yesterday that the words that comprise the PMDM anagram were chaged.

Oh yeah... they had made that decision two weeks ago. Are you fucking kidding me?

I have to talk to people, send emails to people, and explain to people why PMDM is what it is, and when I'm asked what the shit stands for, I don't want to contridict any printed materials.

My fucking Buisness cards have the old anagram on them. My printed materials have the old anagram on them. Emails that I sent out while the new anagram was up on the website had the old anagram on them.

Thanks for making me look like a fool to your clients, jackasses.

Prestabilshed fact #2: Salespeople are evil.

I've stated this before, and if you're a salesperson, I'm not sorry. You're evil. If you've ever sold something to someone who didn't want it, I'm not sorry. And if you sold me some shit I didn't initially want prior to a conversation with you, fuck you (or maybe I am fucking you, who knows, lol). Anyway, I work in an office with an inside sales department. There are many salespeople here, male, female, old, young, good looking, homely... you get the picture.

Anyway, the salespeople for Promotional Marketing-- the magizine that is the proud parent of PMDM are lead by an outgoing, attractive, aggressive leader- Matt. Matt is the publisher for PMDM, and he's a good looking guy with words of honey and such.

He's really nice, but sometimes when he's talking, I just want to say, "Keep your forked tounge behind your teeth!"

Anyway- I do like Matt. He's a nice guy, an aquarius, and he always presents a challenge to me as far as getting shit done. I like that. But this week, Matt found his way onto my shit list.

He had approved this email blast that went out to all the customers of PMDM (like 2000 people or something) telling them to update their email addresses by replying to the message.

Oh, did I mention that my email address was the reply-to address?

Oh, damn, did I also mention that I didn't know about this shit until after I was already getting the fucking "Fix my email address," messages.

I just spoke to Matt, and he was like, "I should have told you." Fucking right you should have, you sugar frosted asshole! I just told him that it was alright, and basically gave him the impression that if this shit were to happen again, I'd gladly speak to his superiors about not being informed of things directly relating to my job.

I'm not to be confused with plush carpeting, fresh for the dirty-boot-wiping.

Hopefully the buck stops here, and no more shit goes down, because I don't want to have to get midevil on a motherfucker. Especially right now, because I have my PMS under control, and I don't want to have to verbally assault anyone.

love and adoration,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?