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Written, Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 at around: 3:05 PM

Weekend's over...

I was surprised to look up and see that it was already 3pm, eastern standard time.

Pass, hours, pass!

So I'm making plans.
Plans to do what?
Plans to have fun.

I'm going to karaoke this thursday, to go meet up with this girl I met last week, Carla, and to get my friends to do something other than nothing, lol.


So, I had a weekend. Frank was there, and Leighann was there, and Jason almost killed me with Darrell's car. It was unintentional, but no one who has no clue about driving should ever go fucking around with a vehichle.

Plain and simple.

I'm too young to die, and plus, I've got plans!

I wore heels today, mostly because all of my other shoes are so beat the fuck up, and I wasn't in the mood to wear sneakers. What that sentance had to do with my weekend, I couldn't tell you.

I went to that audition, and I have no idea how I did. Personally, I think I was fun, but they probabally gathered that I was talentless from my nervousness. I need to learn how to perform to small (less than 5 people) groups without getting nervous. I can be awesome in front of a group of 50 people, or even more, but less than that I feel like everyone is judging me (Which they ARE at an audition... duh) but it was weird.

Hopefully I'll be on tv, and it'll be a serious stepping stone to not being poor anymore, because I'm tired of being poor.

I'm also tired of working in this office, and not being very excited about doing my job. That makes me sad.

This job is not difficult at all. At All. Sometimes it's a little complicated, but it's pretty easy.

I want a fun job. This job is not fun. At all.

So I'm going to go do some not-fun work, and hope for the best.



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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?