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Written, Monday, Mar. 22, 2004 at around: 11:40 AM

Return of the Living Dead

I saw Dawn of the Dead on saturday.

Really funny and awesome movie. I'll ruin it for you:

The zombies win.

Seriously, it was a great movie, and the first time I left a theater in a while and didn't have a lingering disturbed feeling. I haven't left a theater and -not- been disturbed in months.

(movies that disturbed me: The Passion of Wholy Fucking Bloody Christ, Butterfly Effect on Abused Children, Matrix 3: It sucks even more, Gothika, and even Kill Bill disturbed me the first time I saw it [baby-loss association] Return of the King disturbed me because movies should not be so goddamn good. You heard me.)

Anyway, if you need a good laugh, go watch Dawn of the Dead. So much blood, but so many laughs.

This weekend was kind of weird. I had intentions of looking at potential New Jersey residances with Frank, but I didn't get any directions, so we kind of just rode around for a while, and saw parts of Camden County that were unfamiliar, and ended up going to the Casual Dining Diner instead.


I still haven't found my cat, but not for a lack of looking. I haven't put food out in a couple of days, because the bowl got blown away in the wind or perhaps stolen. I had more sad my-cat-is-gone dreams last night. This is really kind of bothering me, she's been gone for like, a week.

I'm going to make posters and put them up, even though I don't have a picture. I'll snag a few thumbtacks from here, and put 'em up on telephone poles around the area.

Hopefully I won't be arrested, lol.


I fixed Frank's Sister's computer this weekend, which was an effort. Let me sum it up for you:

Friday night: "Fuck Microsoft"

Saturday: "Fuck Microsoft"

Sunday: "Fuck Microsoft, Fuck Dell, and Fuck Compaq."

Sunday night: "Fuck! It fucking works!"

That's it.

I also opened my bank accounts, which was suprisingly bullshit free. Yay! My new bank can totally kick your bank's ass.

Work is alright. Nobody's left me out of the loop lately, so things aren't so bad. I'd get into more detail, but I haven't really written about the current bullshit that's going on, so it wouldn't make any sense.

I didn't have any alchohol this weekend. That's a good thing. I'm trying to keep an eye on how much drinking I do, because I have a mildly addictive personality, so yeah.

Starbucks, however, isn't as detremntal to my brain cells... or my health. Oh, starbucks was good to me this weekend. Good shit.

Oh! And frank is very awesome, he took me to starbucks and the supermarket. I like that kinda shit.

We actually spent a lot of time together this weekend. I love him so much, lol... like seriously, usually when I spend more than 24 hours with someone, I'm tired of them pretty quickly.

I dig spending extended amounts of time with Frank, but on the flipside of that same coin, it's good to just chill out during the week by myself. I enjoy having quality alone time with my books and music.

(I can't say with my cat anymore... :-( Bummer.)

I'm such a girl.

But he's a sweetie, and he's awesome, and mine. Yay!

love and adoration,


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