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Written, Monday, Jan. 12, 2004 at around: 4:21 PM

Happy fucking birthday

Okay, I'm just going to get right to it.

I tried really hard to write some cool backstory to make what I'm about to say sound even cooler, but to be quite honest, anyone who's been reading this for a while will understand the uberfantasticness of what I'm about to tell you.

So my birthday is the 31rst of this month, and I'll be turning 23. Yay! Frank was telling me that he was having a difficult time picking out something for my birthday, and I'm like well, just get me a present, and I'll be happy. I actually asked him for an ice cream cake, but I don't think I'm getting one anymore, which is completly understandable.

I'm going to buy my own Ice cream cake.


Because on sunday afternoon, I called frank up (twice, actually) because I wanted to go to Liberty Travel and get an idea of how much of a deposit they'd want for a trip to las vegas. So I peel him out of his house, and we go to the depford mall to find out the deal on Vegas Vacations.

We get there, and he encourages me to do the talking, so I got to talking, and the chick tells us how much the trip was gonna be, and I start sweating. Damn. That's a lotta money right now. I can't swing that, and Frank needs to save. After she tells us how much the cheapest deal would be, I'm like, "Uh, can we think about it?" And frank is all like, "Well if you want it, we can do it now."

I got a little conserned, but never one to really want to turn down an opportunity to go somewhere, I accept, all the while, mentally calculating how much I'd have to give him over the next three months to compensate him for how much my share of the trip would be. He hands the "Travel Consultant" his credit card, and when she gets up to walk away, he turns to me and says,
"Happy Birthday."

In my mind, I'm like, "He's fuckin' wtih me, man. Is he for real?" So I tell him, "Um, I'll pay you back," and he gives me the patteted Frank response of, "I don't want your money" And I'll be goddamned if he wasn't serious.

My boyfriend bought us a trip to Las Vegas for my birthday. Awesome!

So needless to say, I'm really excited, and have been telling everyone. I told my boss, my co-worker/friend Kirsten, my mom and my friends John and Sharee so far. I'm so Fucking excited! I've never been to Vegas, and I've wanted to go since I turned 21.

Now frank and I are gonna go, and it's going to be quite an adventure. It's only 160 days away (No, I doubt I'll count off every single day between now and then, but I'm just putting things into perspective, lol) so I have to save save save. That must sound like crazy speak coming out of me.

Okay, gotta go.

Love and adoration,


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