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Written, Friday, Jan. 30, 2004 at around: 3:20 PM

My birthday!!!


Okay, that being said, my birthday is tomorrow.

I'm very excited, and just finished eating a slice of very yummy chocolate cake with a surprisingly good rasberry sauce. I don't normally care for rasberries, but the shit was good. Kirsten made the sauce, fresh feilds -- a supermarket- made the cake.


My boyfriend is sick... and this makes me sad. I don't like it when he's not feeling well. Hopefully he'll feel better soon. Poor Frank. He's been sick for a couple of days now, and I'm crossing my fingers that he feels better by tomorrow night.

I don't see that being particuarly likely, but I'm keeping my hopes up.

So, wake up, wash, spa, lunch, rest, party. I'm excited. Today I spoke to a couple of my co-workers about my plans, and they divulged their spa histories to me. I was told that getting a massage is a really good time, and feels great, however it's likely that I won't want to do anything else (physical) for the rest of the day, and the next morning I'll be very rested. I'm looking forward to that.

And hey, Gabi- after the massage, I'll update about how it was and let you know the deal.

That's good, because I think I'll be getting pretty drunk tomorrow night. I have to rememer to have a drink for Alli, who won't be able to attend. She will be dearly missed, but the debauchary and drunkeness must continue. So a drink will be swilled down in her honor! A red-headed slut shot for my favorite red-headed chick.


It's going to be so much fun. Spacy is driving down with b-dawg in tow, Leighann is bringing her girlfriend Chaka along, which will be fun, Latrice is gonna bring Dan, Mike, Jay, Darrell, Peng, Rob, Maria are all also slated to appear. It should be a good time. What's that like 13 people with frank and I added into the mix? Rob and Latrice may bring people with them, so that could be fun.


Okay, I'm going to get ready to go.


love and adoration,


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