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Written, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 at around: 3:06 PM

Barenaked Concert (but my top was on the whole time, I swear)


I've been terribly lacksdasial with my diaryland updates. I actually started one earlier this afternoon, but my computer auto-restarted (As it does every day at 12:30) so oh well.

Last night, Frank and I kicked off his birthday weekend early with a visit to the Wachovia Center (the hockey/basketball stadium in philly) where the Barenaked Ladies played their music, and rocked the house.

Those wacky Canadians.

I was theroughly impressed with the performance-- those guys are pretty 'effing talented, and the high quality of talent they have is topped nicely with a bit of variety. You can tell those guys really enjoy their jobs. The band members all laughed and smiled and had fun onstage, and they're totally about engaging their audiance in their folly. :-)

The concert was also mainly attended by white people. Lots of white people. Don't get me wrong, I like white people. I'm in love with one of 'em... but thank god for diversity. If the world was filled with nothing but one kind of people, I think I'd have heart palpatations everyday. I was one of perhaps 10 non-caucasians in the audiance. Frank and I counted 5 black people who were at the Wachovia Center that evening as paying customers (not security or behind the counter selling overpriced hot dogs), and I'm included in that number.

Anyway, it wasn't really a "Get up and dance" kinda group. Well, at least our section wasn't. The seats had a good view of the stage, so we didn't have to stand up when 60 percent of the rest of the stadium stood up.

Frank had a really great time, and that's all that mattered. He openly displayed an emotion that wasn't marked by obvious laughter or anger... he was *hold on to your seat* excited.

Yeah, wow.

He was actually really relaxed, and seemed to enjoy himself, which was the goal. Lets see if that'll continue throughout the weekend.

I had a good time too, and although the live performance did not rival the intensity or quality of a live No Doubt performance, Barenaked Ladies is an excellent live band.

Tonight, frank and I are going to a free screening of Hildago, Aragorn's new movie. I keep hearing it licks monkey scrotum, but that remains to be seen.

Then tomorrow, I come to work, get paid, eat lunch with Maria, leave work early, and run fifteen million errands before Frank's B-day dinner.


Love and adoraiton,


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