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Written, Friday, Jun. 18, 2004 at around: 8:40 AM

Las Vegas, ��, and my boyfriend's family


So yeah, we leave for vegas at the crack of piss this monday morning. I cannot put into words how fucking excited I am about this trip.

Nine work-free days in a row, spending the majority of those days with my boyfriend, sin city, and just an opportuinty to get the fuck out of philly and not have to deal with people's shit for a week.

Dude, seriously, rawk!

I'm on such a carefree little high right now. I have a shitload of work to prepare before I leave, but I don't really care. I'm just ready to start the weekend... by leaving here and going home to take a nap, and cleaning my apartment. Isn't that awesome?

I'm finally prepared for this trip, and somehow it seems unreal that we're really gonna be leaving in a couple of days.

Yesterday, Frank's little sister, Alise graduated from high school. She's such a sweet little chick. She's a lot of fun to talk to, and she's got a lot of good dirt on Frank, which she apperently loves to share with me, so she's alright in my book.

Frank told me that she was all like, "Invite Pam! Pam should come to my graduation."


That's so damn special. I �� that kinda shit.

So Frank and I went to her graduation at her little suburban highschool. It was held in the school's gym, which was insanely humid and hot. Plus you've got like a couple hundred fat old sweaty people funking the place up. Needless to say, it was not a winning combo.

A couple of times I felt like I was just going to pass the fuck out. Frank was all like, "Are you okay," and I'm sure it wasn't so much because I was about to pass out in his lap so much as it was because I looked terribly irritable. Okay, let me lay it out for you. I was on the rag, hot, tired and hungry.

Grown men have been known to kill people over less.

Well, maybe not the rag.

I digress.

Anyway, so I was cranky, and we had to sit on bleachers for like two hours in the fucking heat, and I was on the end-seat. Normally that wouldn't be so bad, one less person to sit next to, but I was next to the stairs and these fucking people took the liberty of deciding that "Stairs" and "chairs" sound alike, so they must've been the same thing.


They sat on the fucking stairs, blocking people going outside and back to their seats, and the woman closest to me kept rubbing up against me and hitting me with her program as she fanned herself. I wanted to punch her in the face, and so did Frank, but we sat quietly and listened to the boring speakers.

Alise was in the chior at school, and they sang the Lord of the Rings song, May it Be. It sounded really great, and was one of the highlights of graduation.

Higlights of the suburban highschool graduation:

  • Alise singin' the LOTR song with the chior.

  • Alise getting her diploma (which I completly missed, because my cranky ADD ass was not paying attention).

  • When all the graduates threw their hats up in the air.

  • When we left that hot, stinky gym.

Anyway, after she graduated, we went back to Frank's house, and I met his aunt, who is really sweet, and this other lady who I don't think I like so much. I don't think she's a fan of teh black people, nor do I trust her further than I can launch her with a punch to the jaw.

I had never felt like so much of an outsider at frank's house like, ever. His family really likes me, and they're super-nice people. His aunt, who I met yesterday is just a ball of love and joy as well. Frank introduced me to her at the sweltering graduation, and she wasn't all taken aback, like, "Wholey shit, Frank's girlfriend is negro," or anything.

She said I looked like "the girl," from men in black two. I have no idea who "The girl," from men in black two is, but I'm assuiming she's pretty because, I mean, hello? I'm cute.

Then, when we went back to frank's house, I saw her again, and she was still nice as pie, and it didn't feel like a front, so I was happy to meet and speak with her. Yay!

This other lady was in the house, and she's like, kinda tight with Frank's dad, I guess. Anyway, this woman, (who's name will be The Other Lady, because I forget what her name is) was in the kitchen with Frank's Aunt, and for a while I was talking to Frank about something, and he had to go move his car or something so he left me kinda chillin' in the livingroom all by myself. The two ladies were in the kitchen and I felt social, so I went into the kitchen to introduce myself to this other lady, and say another hi to his aunt.

I walk in and I look at them, Frank's aunt says, "Hi sweetie," and the other lady looks at me and kinda stares. Bitch, I don't have three fucking eyes, nor am I about to grow one. I know she thought I was a white girl before I walked in there, because she heard me talking to Frank, and I sound really suburban, and that's okay, because idiots make that mistake all the time, but she didn't have to look at me sideways when I walked into the damn kitchen. Yeah, my people can be very well spoken, cunt. I was nice to her, and didn't give her any attitude, because I figured that'd be bad.

But, ew.

I just got an icky vibe from her. The, "Why are you in this house, flith," and "If this was 1953, I'd stone you to death and no one would care you fucking nigger," vibe.

I tend to hate people who radiate said vibe.

I'm just so disgusted that in an environment of such obviously forward minded and tolerant people (Frank's whole family seems to not give a shit that I'm black, which is the way it should be) that there'd be someone who basically, without words, regarded me as dirt. Are you kidding me? Get to know me before you hate me, because you can find plenty of reasons to call me a bitch. Trust me.

I also like to send vibes back to people who want to give me those vibes. I tend to radiate the, "I'm not the one you wanna fuck with, lady," vibe.

The chick kept her distance, which was good for all parties involved, because if she had said the wrong thing, I'm sure I would have happily voiced an unwanted opinion right in her ear. She's a little slimey for reasons that are none of the internet's buisness, but she's an all around cunt-hag from what I understand, so I wouldn't be supprised if she's all anti-"you people," as well.

Fuck racist people.

Gah, I gotta get to work,

Love and adoraiton,


Written, Friday, Jun. 04, 2004 at around: 3:33 PM

Bullshit ass drama

A tiny bit of me likes drama. Okay, a sizable bit of me likes drama.

Other people's drama.

I like to see people struggling with real world problems, trying to solve those problems, and the ways they go about finding solutions to their problems, so long as it doesn't directly involve me, or anyone I have strong positive feelings for.

But goddamn.

Why does it always seem to be the case that I'll get my ducks in a row, and then everyone else's crap comes falling? And once said crap begins to fall, I'm on the speed dial of the nation to get a ring.

It's that time of year though. Every summer it seems like there's more bullshit ass drama that people go through, and I get lots of phone calls from unhappy people who want to vent, or get an opinion, or have their problems solved for them.

I've accepted this role, and I revel in it, because I like drama, gossip and being trusted with the dirty laundry and skellitons of everyone I know. It's like a strange type of power trip. I know everything about you, because you trust me enough to tell me. Bwahahah!


I'm not out to ruin anyone, and it seems like in most situations that I'm fairly impartial (unless a given situation involves either me or my boyfriend, in which case I'm pretty goddamn partial) so people tell me their dirtiest secrets.

I know some shit about every one of my close friends. I've even been told shit by my mom.

This rules.

Its like, once May comes to a close, it's sweeps season with all of my friends. Every one of them wants attention, so they'll do some incredibly stupid fucking shit, which will require me to watch their show more frequently than others.

I'm waiting for one of them to randomly flash their nipple at me during a football halftime show.

In other news, I'm going to work on keeping my drinking under wraps. Not because I drink too often, but because when I am drinking, I drink too much. And when I drink too much, I'm not in complete control of my mouth (which is legendary for getting me up to my neck in trouble) and somehow people always end up either offended or insulted.

So I'm gonna work on that.

Anyway, I'm not saying I'm quitting. Fuck that noise. I'm just laying off for the time being.

Plus, I'm approaching my Mid-twenties (I'll be 25 in like a year and a half!) so I have to at least pretend to be mature. Overindulgance is for the twenty one and under crowd, and people with no self control.

The fact that I've lost weight proves that I have self control, so I think I've got this in the bag.

I'm soooo tired. Last night I went to Karoke with Allison, Frank and allison's boyfriend, Drew.

HA! Allison and Andrew. That's so fucking cute it rots my teeth, lol.

Anyway, we went out. It was fun, but I was pretty insensitive to franks feelings at a couple of points, but I feel bad about it, so I'm sure it wasn't intentional.

See! I'm a good person!

I got HELLA motherfucking drunk last night. It's great, because I had like, zero hangover. My metabolisim kicks your metabolisims ass. I was really tired (and still am) but not sick, or headachy. I took a tylenol cold and sinus, daytime just in case a headache thought it'd start brewin' before lunch. F that noise. I'm not about hedaches that start before I eat.

No, I don't usually eat breakfast. I was eating a banana and a harvest powerbar every morning with coffee, eating a lunch, and a snack for dinner, but that was about it.

For those of you who don't know, I'm now among those who can fit a motherfucking dress size SIX!


And no anorexia required! Just some exersize and some healthy fucking food.

I'm going back to the gym starting this weekend, since I scored a museum-free weekend.


love and adoration,


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