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Written, Monday, Jun. 28, 2004 at around: 4:26 PM

Las vegas was stellar

I know I hardly ever update this thing.

Bite me.

I update This thing all the time. Read that if you want more pam-drivel.


Frank and I survived vegas. We survived 1 dollar drinks at the shitty 1979 casino. We survived the titty show. We survived a six hour layover in atlanta.

We had some really great sex. And a lot of it.

I'm generally a pretty horny chick, but damn, after last week, I'm a fucking sex fiend. Seriously. My boyfriend is amazing, to say the least, and oooh, boy. I can't put the sensation that is living in me into words.

Oh yeah I can:


And then there was the Star trek experince, and the Eiffel tower expereince, and the stratusphere experenice, and the Ra the Nightclub expereince. Wholy shit, are we some expereinced motherfuckers.

It was really nice to get away, and to have nothing but fun for weeks sleeping in a prymid and EATING. I can't remember the last time that I had 3 meals every day for an entire week. That's nuts. I feel so fat.

I'm gonna go swim later tonight.

I have to do some work before I leave, so I'll write more about how awesome this trip was later on.

Love and adoration,


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