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Written, Friday, Aug. 01, 2003 at around: 11:45 AM

My "Identity"

I took the identity test on You should go take it too, it's fun... this is very accurate for me.

I'm very open to trying new things... especially movies... with sequels? Anyway, I'm always all about trying new things, and I guess I'm fairly creative. I am a little organized, when I need to be. My apartment is rarely organized, because there's no need most of the time. That reminds me, I need to clean a little whenever I get home. I'm outgoing, but most of the time, I like to feel out a crowd, and figure out what they want, before I start working on my whole, "This is me, take it and love it," attitude. I mean, I'm awesome, who wouldn't like me.

Yeah that was cocky, and I don't give a hoot.

This line made me feel good about myself: For example, you can sometimes feel sad, stressed, worried or embarrassed under the weight of a situation, but you are able to act quite calm and reserved, without yielding to the stress.

Yay for me! I'm good to have in an emergency. When shit hits the fan, i usually stay very calm, and get stuff done.

Openness To Experience

Your high score in the Openness category means that you probably have a strong creative streak. Your broad intellectual curiosity and your interest in the various arts set you apart. Some people may consider you somewhat of a dreamer, and your taste for variety often means moving quickly on to the next experience. This tendency makes you appear a bit flighty and inconsistent. But these elements of your personality simply reflect a character full of new ideas and charged with emotions.


Your medium score in the Conscientiousness category means that you have achieved a solid balance in your outlook towards responsibility. You are probably somewhat organized, with a little room for improvement. Your priorities probably reflect a mix of work and play. Thoughtfulness characterizes your thinking style, so you give gravity to important decisions without making a big deal out of minor issues. You are probably serious about achieving success, but do not feel completely driven by this motivation. All in all, you've got a very healthy perspective on work and duty.


Your medium score in the Extraversion category defines your social identity. You are probably comfortable in either a crowd or by yourself, and spending time alone or with company is equally enjoyable. When among others, you tend to stand in the foreground, although you may not always wish to take the position of a leader. Instead, you seem to prefer moving between the role of leader and follower, as the situation requires. You probably keep a moderately active social life; you're generally on the lookout for excitement, but certainly don't require it. You tend to keep a fairly positive emotional outlook, and people can usually count on your for some good cheer.


The Agreeableness category refers to your social disposition. Your medium score indicates someone who balances the priorities of your own inner voice with the needs of others. You tend to be concerned with the harmony of the group, while maintaining a certain independence. Depending on the situation, you might adopt a stance that defers to the wishes of others, or else assert your own individuality. In this way, you have a great deal of tact, and believe in the situational equality of people. You probably have an approachable and kind personality. People probably admire you for your ability to speak your mind when appropriate.

Negative Emotionality

Negative Emotionality refers to your emotional reactivity. Your medium score means that you're someone who negotiates your emotions depending on your situation. Sometimes you may feel quite sensitive and emotional, while other times you may remain resilient to outside pressures. This quality of adaptation best describes your emotional character. You maintain a rational outlook, which is moderated by feelings. For example, you can sometimes feel sad, stressed, worried or embarrassed under the weight of a situation, but you are able to act quite calm and reserved, without yielding to the stress. Responsive, without being overly reactive, is the best way to describe you.

Written, Friday, Aug. 01, 2003 at around: 11:04 AM

I don't feel like being depressed today.

Good morning,

In the first half an hour here, I had a conversation with my boss and the owner of the company. At EDU that didn't really mean much, because it was a 30 person company. Here, there's like a bazillion employees, and I'm really just a flowerpetal in the painting of the forrest.

On my way to work this morning, I saw Ali. She looked very pleasant for so early in the morning. We rode the train together, and had a bit of a chat. We're gonna go karaoke-ing on tuesday, and I'm excited. Other people may come too, and I have to get on the ball and invite people. If you know me in real life, you're invited. Call me for details. :-)

I feel like an informercial, "Call for details! Only three installments of 19.95, and it's yours!"

Last night Frank, Jason and I went over to Darrells house. I don't think I hate darrell, I just don't like him. He really hasn't done anything to me. Or perhaps I'm just in a very forgiving and accepting mood at the moment. We went over there, and hung out. We watched

starring the infamous and fuckable brad pitt. Good movie, and since it's on dvd already, and lots of people have seen it, no picard style reviews.

I will, however, be revewing American Wedding, as I'ma gonna see that later today. Ooooh, and there's potential Not Really Better Than Sex Cake. Mmmm. The chocolate high is going to send me into a diabetic fit. There's so much richness in that cake that the pancreases of my ancestors are going to hurt!

Hoo boy!

I've been emailing my head space lately. She's awesome. She's also a pisces. I don't understand-- why do I like pisces and scorpio people so much? It's like... weird. They're like bees to honey, or something crazy like that.

Thank god I get to leave at four today. My heart isn't in working right now. I mean, i got a buncha stuff done this morning, but I really just want to start my weekend and laugh and not be in the office. Speaking of work....

I spoke to Crazian John yesterday for more than 3 minutes. He kind of irks me sometimes when I speak to him because he'll outright tell me that, he "[hasn't] been mentioned in your journal in a while, tink." Well, here's a word to anyone who wants a journal shout-out. Be involved in my life, and you'll get a mention. Holla.


He got a job. He starts this weekend, and you know what? I don't feel like writing anything else about john. Why? Because he always asks for me to put him in my journal, I did so, so there.


I'm wearing my new dress today! I like it. It's a little short, but not like, slutty short. It was only nine bucks!! I bought it at the H&M in the cherry hill mall, which is way bigger than the one in center city philadelphia. I think this dress is very flattering to my figure-- I look sexy as all get out. Go me! The dress is mostly brown and white. It's got a kind of sixties print, without being loud about it. I'm not fond of very bright clothing. If I want your attention, I'll talk it outta you, I don't want my clothes to speak before I open my mouth.


Well I'ma get back to work.



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