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Written, Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 at around: 12:36 PM

Thoughts on film piracy & Cat in the Hat paranoia


I've seen Kill Bill 4 times in the theater. Every time I saw it, my ticket was sold at full-price, adult admission.

Quintin, Uma... I would like to respectfully say:

I deserve a fucking bootleg.

Seriously- I've earned one. I would like Q & U to personally send me a pre-release dvd of Kill Bill Volume One, and the sooner the better.

Since I know that shit aint gonna happen, and there is -not- a sign on my front door that says "Dead nigger kill bill dvd storage," I'm in the process of downloading one. If they take me to court for downloading this movie, I'll gladly go, and say that over 32 dollars in american funds paid to watch that movie. That's like the price of two dvd's, yo.

Fuck, man.

Speaking of movies, I'm sposed to go see Cat in the Hat with Myheadspace, but that seriously isn't gonna happen today. In a way that's kinda good, because Frank has me a little paranoid about the movie. He said the movie is gonna stink, and except for our differing opinions on anime, he's never steered me wrong, entertaniment-wise.

I don't know what I should do, I don't know what to say. Cat in the Hat- I'm excited, but everyone says it's so gay. I'm such a big Seuss fan, I've read from cover to cover, all the books for children you see I'm a Seuss lover. But I don't know if I should, I don't know if I dare, go watch this movie that Frank said will have the consistancy of air.

I know, I'm a weirdo.

Well, I'm going to let my computer go idle so I can get the optimium kill bill bandwith going on.

hearts and butterflies,


Written, Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 at around: 11:54 AM

Your turn, fellas!

It's bout damn time!

At least they get to start out with the pill, the patch, and an injection. Let's hear it for non-baby making men!

hearts and butterflies,


Written, Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 at around: 8:14 AM

Jimmy Anderson should kick his ass!

Good morning,

This entry is going to be the first of several catch up entries. Yes, I realize it's quarter after 8 on a saturday- but I didn't do anything but sleep last night, so I'm wide the fuck awake. I've been up since six, and have been alternating between play-fighting with my cat and playing gameboy advance. Yay for the gameboy advance.

The only game I had been playing lately was super mario advance-- I still haven't beaten pokemon sapphire. I think when I was really heavy into it, all the boys started playing something else, so I lost interest. I like pokemon. I may fire up the game cube and the x-box (for a little xbox live actions) but this entry is about why pre-teen kids suck ass.

As prommised:

Yeah so I hate teenagers. I like kids okay, but the teenagers, oh, I hate them. I think that�d been estabilshed in a previous entry. I think my loathing for teenagers starts somewhere around age 12. Kids that age and up are always doing some annoying bullshit to me.

Like okay, at around 8am this morning on the way off of the subway to work, there�s a kid - a boy who�s maybe in 8th grade- walking in front of me... at a pace which a snail towing a large brick behind it could rival. If you have ever

walked anywhere with me (which most of you haven�t, by the average, unless a lot less people read than I presumed, but I digress...) you know that I hate walking behind people, especially if they�re walking slowly. It�s a little pet peeve of mine. I call it a nerousis.

You could maybe call it a minor insanity.

So this fucking brat is walking really slow. I guess there was impending doom in the school yard for him this morning. Well whatever kid, I have work to do, and frankly I don�t give a shit if they�re going to beat your ass down because you told the teacher that little Jimmy Anderson did, in fact, start the fight outside over who had the most pubes.

That�s what the fuck you get, you diminutive, slow-walking, tattle-tale.

I walk around him swiftly enough not to hit him, but I�m sure my movement had a little attitude in it. I am not a morning person. Fuck you, kid. So, I get to the top of the stairs, and I�m maybe a good 3 feet in front of the little

bastard, there�s no possible way that I was directly in front of him, I�m a swift walker. I go through the turnstile, and don�t you know that little fuck grabbed on to the oppisite side of it, and almost made me smash my face into the unforgiving bars of the septa turnstile? That little prick! I hope Jimmy Anderson kicks your ass before, and after class you non-pube-having cocksmoking squealer.

hearts & butterflies


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