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Written, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2003 at around: 2:51 PM

The beginning of an awesome weekend

Fucking right it is!

I'm leaving work in just a few minutes, not to return until Mother Fucking Monday, beeyatch!

Hell yeah.

I've been excited today like I used to get excited on Christmas when I was a little girl. Today I'm going to spend funtime with the boyfriend, going to watch Bad Santa and mallhopping. Yay! And then tomorrow I'm going to grub with him and his family, and friday we'll do more mall hopping, and make fun of our friends who work in retail and have to work on black friday.

Ha Ha!

I'm so ready to leave, like at this very moment.

I'm not a big fan of thanksgiving, mostly because it's a celibration of genocide, and the destruction of almost an entire civlization, but whatever. There'll be turkey and shopping, goddamnit, and I intend to have a good time not working

YAY It's 3!

see you suckers monday (My cable internet got cut off)

love and adoration,


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This is so fucking cute:

*HUGS* TOTAL! give miabogard more *HUGS*
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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?