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Written, Thursday, Dec. 27, 2001 at around: 9:29 AM

Work, Greyhound and um, Mark Landon is my real father!!!

Man, this cold takes a lickin and keeps on tickin. Will it ever end??

Well, anyway, less complaining-- more diary. I just realized that I hadn't updated my diary since I created a "Rings.html page." So tons of people have been coming to my diary (well, the tons of people who live in my HEAD!) and seeing that I have lovely rings, but no diary. Nice.

I also fucked up a small bit of code (something easily done on a mac when it comes to that java-whosa-whatsit stuff) and the reviews area wasn't visible.... damnit! I was looking forward to getting a reveiw.... *sobs*

Well, today is the 27th... getting mighty close to that trip! Glenn left for San Fran extremely early this morning. So early in fact that instead of waking up early to see him off, I stayed up late. This was a horrible idea on my part. I didn't really sleep last night, and I conisder myself lucky to actually be at work right now. See, his Greyhound bus (yes, he's doing a pam and doing the cross-country via greyhound, I think he's going to love it) left Philadelphia, as we know it, at 4:30am this morning. I'll be damned, man. That's what time my bus left last year. He ought to be leaving this state about now (it's about quarter of ten.) Well, here is a link to his schedule for those of you who give a damn. No stalking allowed, as he has a psycho girlfriend, but visits would be nice. Do you live in any of those hick towns?

Well, anyway, he's headed off to san fran, and I'm still here in Philadelphia, cold as hell, and trying to ward off a cold. It's not as terrible as I make it sound though, because I have tons of stuff still left to do to prepare for this trip. I have to do my laundry, pack, make sure I have enough supplies, move my car... oh shit- that's going to suck... clean my apartment up, and go to my mom's house for dinner on friday... wow, today's thursday... I'll be a monkey's uncle.

I'm really excited about this trip, it's like the only *real* vacation that I've ever done. I've gone many places before, but never for so long. I mean, maybe I did as a child, but not as a grown up planning the trip.

Well, you know, I think that porn is good for girls. (love that lack of segway, don't you?) As stated by Bum-bum-head porn is healthy... I agree completly. More girls should own up to the fact that they masturbate, like porn, like sex, and don't give a flying fuck what anyone else has to say about it. Well I'll say it online, but I'm not about to just hop up out of my cubicle and say "I MASTURBATE, and if YOU say YOU don't you're a DAMN LIAR!!!" Although that would be terribly funny, and I'd get a few laughs (and a couple of odd looks, I'm sure) I don't think that statement is worth the lecture that I'd get from Dad, er Mark Landon.

Mark Landon (my boss and CTO) is the coolest boss ever. He works me hard and he often gives me those "What happened to you directly after birth to make you act that way," look. He's like having a father. A really goofy father who pays you for being his kid (and a nice wage by the hour, no less) too. Yeah, if only all parents paid their kids by the hour. There'd be so few crimes in the united states they'd have to lay off cops.

But anyway, speaking of Mark Landon, I think I ought to get to work, because it's 10:30am and I've been playing for too long.

Love and Adoration,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?