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Written, Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2003 at around: 5:09 PM

proof that the cowboys suck ass

Quote the dooki:

"man, I don't give a shit about sports, but I feel like it's my duty to defend Dallas. It's my hometown. The cowboys are retards, sure. And I know that Coach Johnson was a total tool back in the day. And Aikman has been sucking the corporate dicks of television for the past five years or so...but it pains me to say this...dallas cowboys rule? I don't mean it, I really don't, it's a brainwashing technique Texans have used for decades to promote unity. "

Yeah, it's okay. Dallas is an okay town. I've been there. But the Cowboys suck. Even residants agree... sorta.

hearts and butterflies,


Written, Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2003 at around: 2:54 PM

My boyfriend is a cowboys fan

Hey everyone.

My boyfriend is having a rough week, and that makes me sad.

Okay, enough with the emotions, it's football season. Last night, I was wigging out because I had a very stressful day at work. Today is almost as equally stress-filled, however, I'm dealing with it a little better, and the morning was very smooth. One of these days I'll write an entry about my work ethic, but today is not the day, friends.

So Frank and I went shopping, and it was pretty cool. I didn't buy anything (Even with a credit card burning a hole in my denim hello kitty purse... yes, I own a hello kitty purse, bite me) It was very relaxing, and stress free.

But I was reminded of something about my boyfriend that I had tried to ignore for the 11 months we've been seeing each other. My boyfriend, who I love very much... is a Dallas Cowboys fan. *dramatic music* Yes, I'm a philadelphian who is all about the eagles come football season, and hasn't rooted for any other football team in her lifetime, save the Dolphins when I went through my personal, "Dolphins are so awesome," phase. Plus, Dan Marino was hot. Troy Akikman is hot too, but come on. He played for Dallas.

So, Frank gives me a well thought out argument for why it's stupid to hate someone based upon the football team they root for. It was logical, passionate, and sounded like he had used that very argument in attempts to reach out to less reasonable Eagles fans.

I told him, in a very succint, educated statment the following:

"It doesn't matter, though."

Ah, the wisdom and conviction of an Eagles fan.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate frank because he's a fan of those filthy, vile, law-breaking, heathans who play football professionally for the city of Dallas. No. I don't hate him at all. But I have to keep the rivalry alive, and if that means talking unnessicairy shit about his football team, then so be it. It's a serious sacrifice, but it's one I'm willing to make.

Sadly, I must say that I do not expect a win out of my football team this weekend when they play dallas here at home. Most of our wins this year have been pure luck, not skill. Our defense isn't that awesome this year, and most of all, I believe that dallas is a little hungrier than we are for a win this weekend. Either way the outcome is, I'm going to be pleased on one level or another, for if the eagles win I can be all like, "Dallas sucks! Yay eagles!" But if we lose, I can be like, "I told you so."

I've said a whole lot of nothing with this entry. A whole lot.

Hearts and butterflies,


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