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Written, 2001-09-13 at around: 10:27 a.m.

The world is expensive!

*yawn* Yeah, I suppose I really shouldn't be tired. I went to bed at 11 last night and woke up around 7:30. Not bad. Soon I'll be able to sleep even later, as I'll be driving to work. Nice. Depending on how much it costs me to keep this car, I might not keep it. I'm financially stressed out right now and that isn't fun.

I have to pay gabi her money, before the guilt kills me. I had to pay John for the car... because well, I said I wanted it, and I do! I have to finish paying off my bed, which costs like 700 bucks. I'll owe 500 at the end of this week. I'll have to do some mad overtime next week, and friday in order to make up for the time I lost on tuesday. I was so scared. But I have bills to pay, ya know?

Damn this sucks. I have to pay my rent next week, I have to pay bills and stuff too. I need to search out someplace that I can get tags done. There's already a title, I just have to get the name changed. Cars suck. But at least I won't have to worry about septa. Oooh, road trips. Yea. :-D

Well, now that my mind is numb from all the numbers in it, I'm just kinda feeling weird. Time to do some research! Yes, I am a nerd. Horray.

Okay, bye.


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