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Written, Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 at around: 2:13 PM

Feeling very calm

I feel very calm today.

It's not a lazy calm, because I've actually been doing my job today. The day before christmas was a lazy calm. Today feels more like a mature calm. I'm not hyperactivley excited over anything, and I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to be doing with myself for the next couple of months, which gives me a comforting, albeit false, sense of completedness.

I'm comfortable sitting here in my chair, knowing that in 45 minutes, I'm high taling it the fuck out of dodge. I'll go into center city and buy a new transpass, and a few tokens, and make my way back to my south philadelphia apartment where I will read more about the sternness of Eddard Stark and the pridefulness of those snot-nosed Lanisters for a while. I may break down and play Star Wars for a while, but I'll eventually take a nap to prepare for staying up late to meet the new year, head on.

I'm a little tired, and I would much prefer laying in my bed, my cat laying on my legs as I read more of the story, and got ready to read the next book in this series.

You know, of all the cheezy holiday sayings ("Getting ready for christmas?" "What will you be cooking on thanksgiving?" and so on) the one I like the most is seeing your co-workers on new years eve, and saying, "See you next year!" It's a really stupid saying, because we all know next year is tomorrow, but I think it's cute, and it makes me giggle. I don't like when other people say it, because they think they're clever. I don't think I'm clever, I'm just a dork.

I'm also just a girl. Speaking of No Doubt... I heard the box set is on extreme sale. How very exciting. I love No Doubt, and Gwen Stefani is just awesome. I saw them live once (almost twice, but I was too busted-ass broke the second time around) and it was a great show. I hope they tour again soon, because it was really great seeing them live.

This year, since I'm walking in with a Job and two weeks of vacation time (Ten days, plus 3 extra holidays), I intend to take at least 2 sleep-over vacations to places not in Pennsylvania. I think that'd be pretty easy. I want to go to las vegas and go on a cruise. Vegas'll be cheaper, and a shorter trip, so I suppose that's which I should start planning first.

I might go so far as to start calling places the week before my birthday-- because that week I'll have a good grasp on how much money each check I get from napco will be worth, as well as how long it'll take me to finish paying the goverment and everyone else I've pissed off financially.

It's a long list. I'll spare you.

I think I might start exercising again. I have this crazy discount to a variety of gyms in the area, and I want to be fit and stuff, so I might start paying 23 bucks a month to get sweaty. Plus, working out is very rewarding, I always feel pretty awesome after a workout, even if the workout itself pisses me off, and burns my muscles. But I have high cholestorol (or however it's spelled) so exersize will help. Besides, it'll keep me from being winded during sex.

Not that I get, uh, winded... per-se. It's more like I'm exausted. Well exuasted doesn't sound any better. I mean... uh. I'm out of shape- that's what I mean. I should encourage one of my friends to start working out too. They don' thave to work out with me, I just need the compitition. See, I was working out a good two years ago, and I kept going because Anita would always brag about how much stuff she did, and I'm not one to be outdone, lol. So I need someone to imagine that I can't be outdone by.

I'm a strange little girl, I know.

Okay, later

Love and adoration,


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