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Written, Monday, Dec. 08, 2003 at around: 3:38 PM

My amazing weekend, and so forth.

Non-stop fun, brought to you this week by!

Okay, I've learned over the years that sarcasam is difficult to sense over the internet.

This weekend was about as far from non stop fun as sitting at a wooden school desk while watching paint dry on Ben Stein's hairy back. Not that I know Ben Stein's back is hairy, but one does wonder, doesn't one?

It was supposed to be all crazy-blizzardlike this weekend, and it so wasn't. Friday night I hurried home to a bottle of Arbor Mist, drinking away my non-existing fears of being snowed in for the weekend, because the roads were "treachorous," and life was supposed to shut down because of the first intense storm of the season.


We bearly got 4 inches of snow, and I didn't even really get that drunk.

Sipping down a half a bottle of strawberry flavored sparkling zinfendel did, however inspire the creative chick that lives inside of me. I was inspired to get off of my lazy ass and practice my singing. I don't often practice the way I ought to (warm up for 15 to 20 minutes, and then sing) I just kind of work on a light song as a "warm up" and then start pretending like I can do all that crazy Christina Aguleria stuff-- which I can, but I have to warm up for an hour until I can hit those high notes correctly.

I sound consistantlly better than I did this time last year, and I haven't performed nearly as much, which is kind of a bummer. I haven't had the dough for karaoke every week, nor am I particularly inspired to go to karaoke tomorrow night, when it'll be cold, and I'll be tired.

That's my new years resoulution. To go to karaoke on a regular basis, and to budget better so as I can afford karaoke on a regular basis.

I also need to get on the ball and find a new movie project to hop on board of. I really haven't been too inspired lately, mostly because I've been wigging out over being over-medicated with estrogen hyping-drugs, trying to get back up on my financial feet, and having a nice dose of stress injected into my system every now and again.

Now, don't get it twisted, life is really grand at the moment. I'm happy, and I'm thankful for all the amazing things in my life. (God I sound like one of those church girls) Seriously-- I haven't been sleeping well, and that Never happens to me... so I know I'm totally stressed out.

For the first time in almost 4 years, I took a sleeping aid last night. Never again. The first time I took a sleeping aid, it was so strong that I slept for 20 hours. Last night I was sleepy and everything, but getting tired/falling asleep isn't my problem. Having crazy dreams and waking up 3 or 4 times a night is my problem. So I take these tyllenol PM things, and they knock me out. I still woke up from a restful sleep 3 times.

I haven't even been waking up from nightmares lately. They're just normal dreams that make me wake up. I had a dream a couple of nights aago where I was eating sushi with a nameless, faceless person who I was apperently friends with. I don't like Sushi, by the way. So we're eating this sushi, because she convinced me to try it again. Then they serve me my sushi, and the damn fish from Finding Nemo is on my plate, still alive, gasping.

I tell the girl I'm with, "I'm not eating him!" She says, "he's good though, try him." I notice that she had an identical fish on her plate. I couldn't bring myself to eat poor little nemo, so I stuck him in a nearby fishbowl. After we went to go pay for our meal, we got a recipt saying some crazy amount, some normal price for the dead sushi and some freakish amount titled, "Open Food" for nemo, who I didn't so much as poke with my fork. Bastards.

That's when I woke up.

Then I recently had a dream where I gave birth. I was hella-pregnant, and I was going into labor. I get into the passanger side of a red 4 door mustang (do they even make those?) and poot out a baby. It was a very pretty baby, but it had bright blue eyes. For any of you who know me, my people are not known for are sparkling blue eyes so much as we're known for our ample buttocks and our hair which does not require hairspray. So that was weird. That, and I was sitting on afterbirth for a while.


So I woke up then too. Nothing scary, shocking, or too weird for one of my dreams, but really... I'm not staying asleep, which is abnormal for me. That happened to me for about a month or so in the summertime, when I was worrying about not having a job, and how I'd pay the next month's rent.. Perhaps finanical troubles inspire difficulty sleeping in me. Perhaps I need to get over it?

Sounds like a good plan.

Other things... hmm.. I wore socks today. Not for fashion, for warmth. It's cold as an eskimo's ass outside, and my feet aren't fond of the cold weather. As most people are aware, I hate wearing socks. I hate having to wear shoes too, but I'm not trying to have bloody, cut up feet. Although my large hairy feet are hobbitlike, they most certianally do not have leathery soles.

The other problem with socks and I is that I don't wear socks when I go to try on shoes, so if I put socks in my shoes they fit too snugly. Meaning that after a day of wearing socks, my feet kinda hurt. My right foot is really killing me right now. Over the course of the day I've taken off my right sneaker twice, and I'm considering taking off my sock, putting it in my pocket and wearing just one socked foot home.

Feels better with no sock. I'm just leaving the sock here at work. Wait, that'd be dumb. I'll take the sock with me, I guess.

Okay, on that note, I'm getting the fuck outta here, cause I'm hungry. Although there's nothing for me to eat here at work, there's a whole lotta stuff for me to eat at home.

Hearts & butterflies,


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