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Written, Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 at around: 10:55 AM

I have no sense of time.

I have no sense of time.


That dawned on me earlier this morning, but really hit me when it was quite a revelation that the OJ Simpson thing happened years and years ago.

I was like fourteen, and in my first year of college (How many times a day to normal people ever hear that, like never?) and the whole verdict thing happened while I was in English 108 with Sister (yes, a nun at community college) Gervase Glackin. We watched it on tv. I was kind of bummed, because my FAVORITE thing while in that class was to 1. Piss off sister gervase because I was a total weirdo and 2. Piss her off more because I was an A student.

She hated me. I think she might have been racist too, now that I think of it, because she was kind of mean to all the black students, but I was super special (Because I was a complete asshole). She said to me, "I'll take points off of your exam if you continue to sit on the window ledge before class!" To which I replied in normal rebellious 14 year old nature, "If you do, I'll talk to your department head and the dean. You can't fail me for being different."

It was fun pissing people off when I was 14.

I think I still piss people off in that same way. I'm 23, have no degree, make 31 grand, and have made more. I've worked damn hard to be here, but I mean, how many people manage to sneak through the cracks into jobs like this with only a highschool diploma? Not many. Sarah, the girl I replaced, was getting her Master's degree when she quit. She had been at this job for 2 years, and was only making 3000 dollars more than I am right now.

Realistically, Bill Gates is doing the unimaginable with only a High School diploma, so us assholes are out there. Beware.

By the time I'm 24 (assuming I don't just quit) I'll be earning 1000 dollars more than sarah was, -and- I probabally still won't have a degree.

After I get my new living arriangments and car together, I guess I'll give Temple a call.

"Hello, Temple University"

me "Degree Please"

"Money Please."

Oh yeah. Universities like money! That's why I haven't been going back to school. Fuck. I'll probabally get some funky I'm over 24 degree thingy. Plus, NAPCO has tuition reimbursment. It's per class, and those classes need to apply directly to your job, but I'm sure I could get Bill to sign off on napco paying me to complete my communications degree.

I'm really starting to hate money.

Love and adoraiton,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?