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Written, Monday, Mar. 01, 2004 at around: 11:56 AM

The Passion of The Democrat

First of all, check out the george bush link to the left, it really makes me laugh.

That rights-denying scumbag. I'd bet that if it were socially acceptable, and there weren't so many black republicans, George w. bush would sign a peice of paper that said that "All Niggers must sell themselves to whitey, immedately." Fuck you george bush. He could have left well enough alone, but to go so far as to sign an amnendment? Fuck you! You won't limit anyone's rights unless they've committed a crime. How backwards... I mean, there are flaws to legal gay marriage. Don't call me a republican, or a backwards fuckhole yet... There are!

Okay, lets say two straight guys just wanna get "married" for tax purposes, or that two chicks with cancer want to get "married" so that if one dies, she can collect her friend's life insurance. There are flaws. However, going so far as to make something so intimate, and sensitive as a lifelong commitment to another person illegal, is just bad politics, and is completly immoral.

I read that in the 70's no-fault divorce was impossible to get. Now it's commonplace. I'm sure that in 10 years or so, we'll find a way to make gay marriage legal on a per-state basis. Just like polgamy. It should not be the decision of congress, it should be up to state governments... like it was but a month or so ago.

Like I said before, I'm not a fan of gay men, but they're people, damnit. Don't limit anyone's rights, that's just outright foul, and gets me pissed.

At least Clinton lied about who he was getting head from (a normal, and expected lie out of a southern man, lol), and not where my tax dollars were going. Yeah, he could have had a little more respect for the armed forces, but fuck. War sucks ass... and it helps to know your enemies before you kill/capture them.

I agree:

You're a peice of greedy shit, and should be destroyed.

Sadly that's my home os.

A while ago I said I'd install red hat, but then I stopped giving a fuck.

So, I had a weekend in the woods with my mom. It was... simplistic. Although I had every intention of spending most of saturday's lovely afternoon weather (it was like 60 out, sunny, and this was in the fucking woods & mountians) sitting under a tree, finishing one of my current reads. I didn't though. I slept nearly all weekend.

I think this was the first weekend since a few weeks before christmas where I wasn't out and about, preparing things, planning things, or partying, or just being up until 2 am.

It was good to just rest.

I don't feel particularly rejuvinated, but I have been getting into my work, which is good, because I think I officially hate this job.

There isn't much I can do about that though. I have everything under control- the people I supervise like/respect me, my superiors expect good things from me, but damn, the work is boring, and is just the same shit over and over.

Obviously a carreer in publishing is not the carreer for me.

I don't really want to be a writer, although I still write plenty of shit that gets published (all in marketing materials though, nothing in the magizines). All the work I do goes online, and it isn't really my work, anyway. It's just someone's catalog which I edit and manage. It's pretty fucking boring.

I like being responsible for all this shit, it strokes my ego that my boss trusts me with all the crap I do, but it's just not mentally fufilling. It's like i'm stagnant here. I'm reading more in an effort to keep my brain active (and also because I just like reading) but 8 hours out of every day is spent watching my IQ drop.

Oh, I re-took my IQ test, and got a 133 this time. It's still lower than what I had as a kid, but it's a little more acceptable than 129. 4 points, I know, but they're 4 very important points to me.

My friend Moly has an IQ of like 145 or something. Damn. She's a republican, so it's okay for me to hate her. ;-)

I haven't spoken to moly much since our new president got a hard on for spending more money on war, and agreeing to amnedmnets that *limit* civil rights. Interesting. I wonder what she has to say about that gay-marriage thing. Well, Moly's super christian, so I don't think she'd condone it anyway, and will be voting for president windbag again this year.

I don't feel passionatly about any of the deomcratic candidates. They all basically say the same things, and have similar goals. I don't think I disagree with any of their stances, so I'll vote for whoever becomes the candidate. come "pretend like your vote matters" time.

In gubniatorial and mayoral elections, I feel like it's important to vote, because those votes are actually counted, but when voting for president, I feel so cheated. The "popular" vote is such horse shit. I remember when I learned about that as a child, and said to my mom, "So we don't vote for president at all, then?" That's stuck with me for years, and just pisses me off to no end. I'll vote anyway (This'll be my first presidential election actually voting... I wasn't registered 4 years ago, because... well... I have no excuse) I guess that's why the primaries are so important.

How can you not love this guy: Kucinich

He's pro-animal rights (and vegan, are you kidding? That's awesome!), pro gay & transgender, pro-choice!, and supports raising the fucking minimum wage to eight dollars where it SHOULDA been three years ago.

He's also a Libra. Nuff said.

Air signs unite.

It'd be good to live in a deomcratic america again.

love and adoration,


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