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Written, Friday, Feb. 27, 2004 at around: 8:54 AM

Fresh air

So, this weekend I'm going away to girl scout camp with my mom.

Since I've written about it -so- much, I'm sure you can tell that I'm really enthused about going on this trip.

I might not be jumping for joy over the prospect of hanging out with my mom for an entire work-free weekend, but mom is very excited about this, because she and I spend very little time together anymore, and it's pretty much been that way since I stopped sleeping at her house.

There are parts of this trip that I'm really looking foward to- like being out at camp, and being able to read in the woods. Fresh air, free food, and sleeping in all sound fantastic. I've been kind of running myself dry lately, and taking a weekend such as this one to recharge my batteries is more than called for.

Lately I've been stressing myself out over a bunch of random shit, and I think seperating myself from philadelphia for a little while will give me an ample mental ass-kicking, and bring things back up to par. All the odds and ends in my life are in order, or starting to get in order, so I suppose I've got to get back to working on myself. That's just an ongoing project, so time is on my side.

I would write more, but I've gotta get back to work.



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