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Written, Thursday, Mar. 25, 2004 at around: 4:39 PM

Karaoke.... needed .... bad l y . . . . *faint*

I am seriously not having fun today.

I was absolutely miserable last night for a bunch of reasons, and frank was nice enough to be, well... nice, and gave me a little support.

I have not found Koi, although thanks to Laura, of gabdom, I was able to make posters and put them up. I'll make a bunch more tomorrow, and put them on the light poles on the other side of my apartment.

I really miss my cat, dude, like, it seriously bums me out. She was the only, and I do mean only, friend who's 100 percent there for me. Every single night, it was understood that I'd get kitty hugs and have someone to snuggle with in bed (and have someone to fuck up my ankles while I slept... yeah she was a bitch, but I love her anyway).

I want my fucking cat back home. Now.

Going home to an empty apartment is just as depressing as it was in 2002, and I don't like that. I'm a person who needs other living things to be reassured that I exist. It's fucking shallow, and I'm aware, but I take care of my cat, and she took care of me. It was understood.

Now I'm a cat lady sans the cat, making me just that "lady."

I want to go home and crawl back under my blankets and cry until my cat comes home.

But that wouldn't be very productive, and won't make me feel any fucking better.

"So, what will she do," asks the reader. Well, I'm going to go out to karaoke, because it makes me feel better. I'm pretty much sure that no one will go with me, because everyone else is either broke, or has other plans.

Although right now the idea of going to an unfamiliar bar (no this isn't finn maccools that I'm going to) alone is also pretty depressing (albeit not as depressing as my missing kitty) It'll lift my spirits once I get there, start singing, and have a couple of drinks.

I hope it makes me feel happy, and better, and stuff, because this whole PMS without the cat at home shit, is for the motherfucking birds.

Fuck this noise, I'm going out tonight.


I signed up to go to this political speaker's thingy tomorrow, where this guy was going to talk about how much bush sucks, and how we as citizens need to be deeply involved in activisim and shit. That's at like 6. I don't know if I'm going, because, I don't like the outfit I have on, and I really want to look different. Although I think the "Oops, I said the F-Word" hat is perfect for a causual political event, I'm really not into wearing my blue & Pink sweatpants.


So I'll go home, and have a snack which will probabally consist of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies or cookies & cream Ice Cream (or both! Do I dare?! I think I do!) and consider showing up to this event... late.

I also think I'll not do starbucks today, thus saving 4 dollars that I can't afford to spend.

Saving money is for the birds! LMAO.

Well, fuck this work noise. I'm going home.

Love and adoration,


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This is so fucking cute:

*HUGS* TOTAL! give miabogard more *HUGS*
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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?