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Written, Monday, Mar. 08, 2004 at around: 12:29 PM

septa sucks. money sucks.

I have a new employee to train this afternoon. I keep forgetting about that, because there's so much other shit going on.

Fuck, dude.

I have no friends at work because everyone's 30 and older, or a bitch, or my mom or all three. I'm so alinated here. At EDU the people were more friendly, I miss that. The tech guys weren't all jerks, and even the salespeople were fun. Here, everyone's an asshole, or seems to seperate themselves away from me. I'm not even mean to people or anything (at least not the people I'd potentially hang with) I'm just alinated.

Mostly, people seem to respect me, but they respect me and stay the fuck away from me. My only friend, Sarah, quit.

This is an old company, though- it was started in 1950 something, and it feels like it.

It's lonely here. I guess this is what it would have been like if I had started High School at 12 or 13. Nobody'd want to talk to me, and I'd come home every day, quiet.

This sucks! I'm a social animal, and I like people. I just don't like these people. Most of the girls I work with seem nice enough, but they're a different kind of people, and seem to give not a shit about me, so I'm not going to waste my efforts on trying hard to be people's friends. Plus, the office as a whole seems to not want to talk to anyone. It bums me out.




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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?