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Written, Thursday, Jan. 08, 2004 at around: 2:42 PM

23 Days!

I changed the layout because I'll be 23 in 23 days.

I'm excited... birthdays are fun, even other people's birthdays are awesome. At least one day out of every year, you should feel special.

Damn, I sound like a magical talking animal in a disney movie.

Well, to my honor, someone came to my site by searching "Fuck jesus" on I am oh so proud of myself.

I've been working pretty much nonstop today, and it's about time that I took a lengthy break. I stopped working earlier to send emails to my boyfriend and look around on the internet for cheap travel deals.

Frank and I have been tossing around the idea of taking a trip to Las Vegas. Frank is aching to go back to Vegas so that he can hit up the all-you-can-eat seafood buffet at the Rio, and I could really use a nice trip out of the area.

Written, Wednesday, Jan. 07, 2004 at around: 3:47 PM

Still got all my teeth

I enjoy drinking hot beverages. Tea, coffee, hot cocoa. Starbucks Hot Chocolate. Yum! It�s nearly three dollars a cup for some chocolate, milk and whipped cream, but it�s so fucking good, that I gladly shell out almost 20 bucks a week for hot cocoa.

I may buy myself a 50 dollar gift certificate to starbucks, just so I have my hot cocoa expenses covered. (that is not a subtle hint for my birthday, I really am going to buy that myself, and who really wants a gift certificate?)

It only works out that frank bought me a trilogy (trilogy has somehow made its way into my everyday vocabulary... thank you, lotr trilogy tuesday) of starbucks hot cocoa tins for christmas. They�re the most adorable little tins you ever did see, and the chocolate inside is so good. I keep one here at my desk, and it�s almost empty already. Next week (or whenever this one is empty) I�ll bring in the mint-chocolate mix.

I�m not a huge fan of mint, but if it�s hot and involves a sweet flavor, I�d drink mint herbal tea. That lady, Maria-- Frank�s friend (who�s slowly becoming my friend, even though I only hung out with her once) likes that mint tea stuff. She�s allergic to almost everything so I guess she has to take her pleasures where she can find them.

So, about my wisdom teeth...

No, I'm not at home in my bed, bleeding and drooling. I'm at work, whining and brooding. I was fucking disappointed when I found out that I'd have to reschedule my dentist's appointment.

I'm really ready to get rid of this wisdom tooth, man. If you stick a toothpick underneath the gum that covers the really evil one, it comes out covered in what I'm imagining is some tooth infection. It smells bad, lol, but for whatever reason, my mouth smells fine, and I must not be contagious because that stuff's been in my tooth for a while, and frank seems to be feeling just fine, lol.

Anyway, I rescheduled my dentists appointment because they made me. I have to go next wednesday because they scheduled me for the wrong office. That fucking sucks, because I had arranged all this shit months ago; the ride, the time off, the mental stress, everything was prepared to go down this morning, but no.

Thankfully, Frank offered to take me to, and pick me up from the dentist next week, which works out lovely-ly. Boyfriend points for him. Now he gets to see me freshly fucked up, and in pain. I don�t think he�s ever seen me when I was in pain, or very very sick. I�m not a lot of fun when I�m like that. In fact, I�m quite miserable. My own mother hates being around me when I�m sick.

Rarely will I openly cry, but I�m pretty sure that a day or two after my surgery, when I�m writhing in agony, discolored, and starving, I�ll cry. Maybe it�ll be better if I don�t have visitors when I�m healing after all.

I mentioned boyfriend points up there somewhere. Well, Frank earned a few solid boyfriend points last week, and I didn�t even make the faintest mention of them. For shame-- me, not updating about the sweet things my boyfriend does? I should turn in my doting girlfriend membership card right now. But I won�t because I can trump any attempts of the girlfriend gestapo from taking that card from me with my outright bitch card.

So, story.

Frank and I were traveling the Delaware valley in search of a best buy that carried this TV that he needed to replace his dad�s busted tv with. We searched far (Morristown) and wide (depford), high (springfield) and low (Delaware). We get to the aforementioned Delaware best buy, and look around for a while. The TV is nowhere to be found (damnit!) so we prepare to leave, banners swinging lowly, defeated.

I�m walking in front of him, dressed in my cute-ass pants (I�m wearing them today-- with a big difference... jeans sans the panties today. I need to do laundry) and my favorite sweater. I was looking mighty sexy, and I�d been kinda playin� around and flirting with frank all day... I was feeling mighty playful. I�m all doing my girl thing, walking in front of him so he can catch a view. Plus, I wanted to get the heck outta best buy and high tail it over to the bookstore.

As I walk along in front of Frank, with sugarplums and unabridged additions running through my head (Truth be told, I was looking forward to buying a hello kitty wall calendar... hello 2004! :-D) I hear frank saying something. Apparently he was talking to this big Thug Ass Nigga (TAN) that just passed me by, and I aptly paid no mind to. I figured he must have known him or something until I turned around. I saw Frank standing in the way he does when he�s about to not take someone�s shit, and the TAN looking back, apparently confused. When I really got within earshot, and heard frank- my adorable 5�9� thin, blonde haired, blue eyed boyfriend saying some strong words that I couldn�t understand to this thick, uncombed, 6�5�, ignorant looking TAN motherfucker. I thought, �oh, frank,� sighed aloud and got closer to him in time to hear Frank say, �Why don�t you stare a little bit HARDER? That�s my girl, dawg.�

Oh boy.

I grabbed his arm, and said, �Okay, sweetie, let�s go.� I think I heard the other dude grunt out a �What you talkin� bout?� and Frank repeated himself to the still-standing TAN with the confused expression, �That�s my girl dawg.� At that point I quickened our pace a bit, and escorted my feisty Frank up on outta best buy.

Oh, and for the record, I was not at all exaggerating with my use of �Dawg� throughout Frank�s quotes in this story. In fact I think I heard him say the word, �Dawg� to that guy at least four times...

When we left the store, I didn�t know quite how to react. I thought about trying to get upset with him for potentially endangering his life and the inherent possibility that best buy would print out flyers with our faces on them with a caption below the image saying, �Don�t let these motherfuckers in the store,� or just laugh (Because the expressions on that other guy�s face were priceless, especially after I walked over to take frank�s arm and get him the fuck outta dodge) or thank him, so I thought on it for a while. I was pretty sure if I laughed immediately, he would have taken it the wrong way, so I didn�t say anything, and just asked if he was still okay with going to Barnes and Noble.

The sex that evening was pretty fucking hella-awesome, too. Two words. Stairway.

Okay, one word, followed by an entire other sentence.

So, some major (unnessacary) boyfriend points for Frank. He could have gotten into a fight, in which case I would have been upset with him. I�m not very pro violence (unless it�s on tv, in a movie or a video game) and totally would have been upset with frank if he started a fight. I�m always worried that he�s gonna say something that�ll get him punched in the mouth. I say stuff that I KNOW should get me punched in the mouth, but ofttimes that�s not gonna happen because I�m a chick.

He�s totally not a chick.

You know, I�ve known a lot of Pisces people in my lifetime, and a lot of Aquairians too. Mostly the Aquarians were the assholes who were always talking shit, hurting peoples feelings with their words (often without knowing it) and such, while the Pisces people tend to shut the fuck up unless they�re really, really comfortable. Aquarians are eager to prove that they really do know it all, and Pisces people just want to teach you that you can learn what they�ve learned. Pisces people get their feelings hurt and curl into a little defensive ball-- something I�ve seen result in both tears, desertion, and obnoxious fits of passive aggressive anger. Aquarian people get their feelings hurt, and pretend like nothing happened, but are easier to read than

this is


Frank is certainly a unique gourmet blend of both aspects to a fucking T.

Besides being an awesome friend, fun to hang out with, an excellent lover and an all around awesome guy, Frank is outright fascinating. I love watching his reactions to certain situations, and how he treats people in different environments. I enjoy finding out what makes him nervous, what makes him feel comfortable, and delving into why those are so. Most people just annoy me after a while (maybe you�re not one of them, there are a lot of people on this planet) but frank always has something new about him under his sleeve.

Okay, I think I should go about posting this now.

love and adoration,


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