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Written, November 14, 2001 at around: 4:37 PM

Tools of Satan...

I had this great entery about an hour or so ago, and I have a habit of writing an entery and forgetting that I have Internet Explorer open. So sometimes I'll be working on something (yes, all of my enteries have been written while I was at work... that's just a hat-tip to productivity) and I'll restart my computer. Internet Explorer isn't word. It doesn't save jack. Needless to say I get upset when that happens.

This happened to me again today. I had written something that I might have thought was perhaps--- insightful, entertaining and intelegent (I don't care if I can't spell damnit.) then I went to use Netscape for something *shock of shocks* work-related. Then I had to restart my computer. I didn't realize that I had lost my magnificant entery forever until the evil smiling iMac appeared on the screen.

iMacs are the tools of the devil. It's true, and I can prove it. Okay,

  1. iMacs come in several apealing colors.

  2. iMacs only do enough work for home use

  3. iMacs resemble televisions more than they resemble computers

  4. They aren't Microsoft compatible

Now that last item there would be up for dispute that perhaps the iMac isn't the tool of the devil, because Bill Gates has been named the true and only Satan. The iMac, however, can use Microsoft prodcuts. I'm using internet expolorer as we speak! So, that only proves, that since once many moons ago Bill Gates worked with Steve Jobs (owner of Apple Computer) That the iMac is the tool of satan. Because, well, Steve Jobs is the tool of satan.

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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?